Fall Prevention: Simple Home Safety Tips for Seniors

physiotherapy in pickering

Falling is the number one cause of injuries among seniors, and many of these accidents happen at home. This is a scary thought, but the good news is the majority of these falls are preventable if the right measures are taken.  

Dangerous falls can lead to potentially life-altering injuries, but becoming aware of your living environment and making the necessary changes can dramatically reduce the chances of having an accident at home. 

Seniors will feel a lot safer when they:

  1. Install non-skid bath mats

Self-adhesive slip-resistant strips are also very effective and should be placed in tubs and showers to prevent falls in the bathroom.

  1. Install solid handrails on all stairs

Going up and down stairs can be very dangerous, but placing solid handrails on both sides will provide seniors with stability and allow them to climb stairs a lot more easily.

  1. Make sure the home is well-lit

Darkness can lead to falls, and seniors need to be able to see their surroundings. Proper lighting throughout the home is a must, as this will make it easier for seniors to navigate through their space, and they will be able to detect potential tripping hazards.

  1. Make sure rugs are slip-proof

Getting your foot caught in a rug is very common, and this is even more problematic for seniors who cannot catch their fall. All rugs in the home should be slip-proof, and taping them to the floor is highly recommended.

  1. Remove items that are easy to trip over

They must be removed, whether it’s an ottoman in the middle of the room, electrical cords or a pile of books. Clutter is a significant concern due to the potential trip hazard and subsequent injuries. A senior whose structural integrity and bone health may already be compromised could be at high risk for serious injury due to slips, trips and falls. Removing unnecessary clutter will establish a clean environment that is far less accident-prone.

  1. Install safety grab bars in the shower and next to the toilet

Seniors may have difficulty lowering themselves onto the toilet, but a grab bar will provide support. They will be able to lower and lift themselves with the help of this tool, and installing one in the shower is also highly recommended. This bar will prevent seniors from slipping and falling on the wet surface. 

  1. Install anti-slip safety treads on all stairs

This consideration applies to stairs on the interior and exterior of the house. Treads should be placed on all stairs to provide seniors with a better grip.  

  1. Make any necessary repairs

Loose floorboards, for example, should be repaired immediately, and any other components that can cause accidents should be dealt with immediately. 

These simple yet effective steps will positively impact daily routines and reduce the likelihood of a serious fall for seniors.


Are you in pain as a result of a fall? Our team here at Apex Physiotherapy & Chiropractic can provide relief through the various treatments we offer. Chiropractic care and physiotherapy can help you move comfortably again after an accident. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Can Orthotics Help with Sciatic Pain?

physio and chiropractor near me

Custom orthotics can help alleviate lower back pain, and if you suffer from sciatica, this is an effective device you can consider. Custom orthotics provide foot support and are designed to cushion your heel, toes and foot. You will experience relief from discomfort and pain caused by sciatica, a symptom of any common lower back problems. 

Those who suffer from sciatica will feel numbness, weakness, tingling or pain that will start in the lower back and travel through the buttock to the large sciatic nerve that runs down the back of your leg.

How Orthotics Can Help with Sciatica

Lower back pain falls into two categories; chronic lower back pain, which is any ache or pain that lasts longer than three months and acute lower back pain, which refers to pain that starts after an event like lifting a heavy object. Custom orthotics can help both categories and is known to significantly improve pain and discomfort. 

With sciatica specifically, custom orthotics can help by:

Controlling Foot Movements

Your orthotic device can be used to control motions of your foot that may be transferred up the leg and to the lower back. Excessive movement of your foot beyond its range of motion can transfer into rotational movement of the leg. This rotation will then transfer up to your knee and lead to pain, or it can pass through the knee up to the hip and cause the muscles in your lower back to work overtime to stabilize. Custom foot orthotics can be used in these cases to control the movements of your foot and reduce the cascading effect up your leg to your lower back. 

Reducing Impact on Joints

An orthotic device can also be used to reduce impact forces while you walk. When the joints in your foot have reduced ranges of movement, the force of your heel striking the ground can be transferred through your foot and up your leg to your hip and lower back, and this problem is more common with individuals who have high arches and a rigid foot structure. Your custom orthotic will provide cushioning and distribute the pressure beneath your feet evenly, reducing some of the impact forces associated with walking. 

Custom orthotics are designed to the individual needs of the person and their feet. They are specific to your feet; every factor will be considered to ensure your orthotics can help with your sciatica. Custom orthotics can be adjusted or modified if your needs change to ensure your continual, optimal comfort in your day-to-day activity.


Are you ready to say goodbye to sciatic pain? Custom foot orthotics may be the answer, and our team here at Apex Physiotherapy & Chiropractic can provide you with more information. We will discuss all of the benefits custom orthotics provide, and you can contact us any time to schedule an appointment!

5 Ways to Prevent Falls at Home and Elsewhere

chiropractor in ajax

Fall prevention is very important because an accident can happen at any time, and a fall can result in serious, sometimes even life-threatening, injuries. 

The following tips will help you prevent falls and stay safe:

  1. Stay As Healthy As Possible

Practicing good self-care is one of the best ways to avoid falling, which means you must stay active and well-nourished. You must also take good care of your feet and eyes and understand how certain medical conditions and prescription medications impact the risk of falls. This knowledge will allow you to apply the best prevention strategies tailored to your condition and lifestyle.

  1. Do Not Be Afraid to Use Assistive Devices

Many people do not use assistive tools because they think it’s a sign of weakness, but putting your pride aside will allow you to remain safe. Assistive devices and corrective lenses will allow you to remain independent and feel safe because you will avoid slip and fall hazards. You will feel steadier on your feet as these devices provide balance and stability assistance.

  1. Turn on the Lights

You are far more likely to bump into things when you can’t see where you’re going in your own home, potentially tripping over items in your path during evening hours. A well-lit home is a lot safer as it will lower the risk of falls, and you can easily navigate through your home. Add lighting to your hallways and stairwells to see where you’re going and ensure nothing is in your way. 

  1. Keep Your Home Clutter-Free

Magazines, cords, ottomans and loose carpeting can all cause dangerous falls, and you need to eliminate such hazards from your home. Remove these items and create clear paths to prevent slips and falls, and do your best to ensure your home is organized with ample walking space. You shouldn’t have to walk around furniture or piles of books, and your floors should be clean and clear.

  1. Make the Necessary Changes

Whether it’s loose floorboards or the installation of stair grips, some fall-prevention improvements will require extensive effort, but these projects are worth your time. Installing handrails in bathrooms is a smart idea, as is installing non-skid flooring. Stairways should have sturdy banisters, and anything that seems even remotely dangerous should be fixed. 

Taking a few precautions will minimize your risk of falling, and your home will be a safe and risk-free environment. Falling can affect your independence and health, which is why you need to take all of the necessary steps to avoid accidents from occurring.


Are you experiencing pain and discomfort as a result of a fall? Whether you fell at home or elsewhere, physio and chiropractic care can help, and the experts at Apex Physiotherapy & Chiropractic can help provide relief. We will find the source of your pain and provide compassionate, comprehensive treatment. 

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

How Chiropractic Care in Pickering Can Help You Get a Better Sleep

Chiropractor Pickering

All human beings need sleep in order to survive, but many of us do not get enough of it. Having an improper sleeping pattern can go as far as to affect our day-to-day lives, including our mood, learning and memory, and physical and mental health. Years worth of scientific studies have even proven this to be true. When we do get the proper amount of sleep, our body becomes replenished and it keeps our heart healthy. In addition to that, sleeping regularly can reduce depression, chronic inflammation, and stress. There are many factors that can lead to sleeping poorly, including an uncomfortable mattress/pillow, too much caffeine/alcohol, snacking before bed, cigarettes, stress, injury/health ailment, etc.

Fortunately, this is an area that chiropractic care has experience in and can easily help with. Some studies have shown that there is an increase in levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone when the body’s circadian rhythms are disturbed. When these levels remain high for a long period of time, bone density and muscle mass become reduced. As a result, the immune system weakens, and fat accumulates in the abdomen area and begins to affect the thyroid gland. There are many over-the-counter medications that claim to help you get a good night’s sleep, but in actuality, they should never be considered a probable solution. This is because pills can often cause side effects and don’t always treat the problem at hand. In order to have proper sleep, you need to treat the actual cause and this is where a chiropractor can come in and provide the assistance that you need.

What is Chiropractic Care?

Here, at Apex Physiotherapy and Chiropractic, we provide chiropractic care and wellness adjustments that are guaranteed to help you get the sleep that you are in desperate need of. The treatment that we provide improves the blood flow in the nervous system and corrects any misalignments or subluxations that may be located in the spine. This is a necessary treatment to undertake because subluxations compress the nerves, creating a lack of communication between the spine and the brain. It can then cause a stress response which affects the body by putting it out of balance and also making sleeping become a challenge. Luckily enough, this can be easily treated with our chiropractic care.

Regular chiropractic care can solve several problems that may be the cause of sleepless nights. Examples include back pain, breathing problems, and restless leg syndrome. After receiving regular wellness adjustments, many people are happy to see how much their sleep has improved. Regular chiropractic care can even go as far as to improve the symptoms and conditions of patients who are dealing with insomnia. Chiropractic care isn’t only exclusive to adults, but children can benefit from it just as much as well.

If you are in need of a chiropractor near you in Pickering or Ajax, make sure to call and schedule an appointment with us at Apex Physiotherapy and Chiropractic. We provide various services, including and treat physiotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, shockwave, registered massage therapy, and more! We also treat all individuals and different fitness levels. We can’t wait to see you and provide you with the best sleep!


Chiropractor near me Pickering
Kids think it’s “cool” to strap on their backpacks and head out to school. But if they don’t know exactly how to choose, load, lift and wear them – these all-important accessories can be a pain in the back. Literally. Not to mention the neck, head, and shoulders.For example, a heavy backpack, carried on one shoulder, forces the muscles and spine to compensate for the uneven weight. This places stress on the mid and lower back, and may increase the likelihood of back problems later in life.
Backpacks can affect your children’s healthPrevention is key
Carrying a heavy load that is unevenly or improperly distributed can result in poor posture; and even distort the spinal column, throwing it out of alignment. This can cause muscle strain, headaches, back, neck and arm pain, and even nerve damage.Here are a few pointers to help you help your school age children carry their load comfortably and safely Choose the right backpack Forget leather! It looks great, but it’s far too heavy. Go for vinyl or canvas. Pick a pack that has two wide, adjustable, padded shoulder straps, along with a hip or waist strap, padded back and plenty of pockets. Make sure the pack fits properly, is not too snug around the arms and under the armpits, and that its size is proportionate to the wearer’s body.
Packing it properly: They’re not moving out! Make sure your children’s packs contain only what is needed for that day, and that the weight is distributed evenly. It’s a good idea to know roughly what each item weighs. The total weight of the filled pack should be no more than 10 to 15 per cent of the wearer’s own body weight. Pack heaviest objects close to the body, and place bumpy or oddshaped ones on the outside, away from the back. Putting the backpack on: It’s a good idea to help young children with this, at least the first few times. Put the pack on a flat surface, at waist height. Slip on the pack, one shoulder at a time, then adjust the straps to fit comfortably. Remember when lifting a backpack, or anything, to lift using the arms and legs and to bend at the knees. The right way to wear a backpack: Both shoulder straps should be used, and adjusted so that the pack fits snugly to the body, without dangling to the side. Backpacks should never be worn over just one shoulder. You should be able to slide your hand between the backpack and your child’s back. The waist strap should also be worn for added stability. More than 50 per cent of young people experience at least one episode of lower back pain by their teenage years. Research indicates that this could be caused, to a great extent, by improper use of backpacks. If your child does complain of back pain, numbness or weakness in his or her arms and legs, get help to prevent future problems.


Naturopathic Doctor Pickering
We Are Now Open for Everyone!
  Dear Patients, It has been a long road but the day has finally come! We are happy to say that our college has given us the go-ahead to re-open and resume regular treatments! We look forward to being your go-to clinic once again for all your aches, pains, muscle, and joint issues!

We would like to assure you that we are going above and beyond to ensure the safety of all of our staff and patients. Please see below for all of our new clinic implementations to make you feel reassured that every attempt to reduce any viral transmission will be done. These implementations are not only important for us when at the clinic but also for your loved ones at home so please read carefully before booking your next visit!   Ultimate safety precautions have been implemented and must be strictly followed • If you or anyone you have been in contact with have cold or flu-like symptoms, please reschedule your appointment for 14 days later. 

• Proper social distancing will take place within the clinic. A large plexiglass barrier is in place to prevent any cross-contamination between reception staff and patients.

• Only one person will be allowed in the waiting area at one time. You may be taken directly back to a treatment room.

• We will have a 2m distance spacing when waiting to pay for treatments.

• Hand sanitizer is available at the entryway. All patients MUST sanitize their hands upon entry and prior to
leaving the clinic.
  • Masks are required to be worn at all times when in the clinic.

• The patient treatment areas will be thoroughly disinfected between each patient visit. This includes ALL surfaces, door handles, chairs, etc. 

• We will do our best to ensure that patients will not be arriving and leaving at the same time. Appointments will be staggered and have longer times in between to allow for cleaning. This may mean that bookings will be limited as there will be fewer appointment times available.

• Payments can be contactless and statements can be emailed to patients. 

• All magazines and toys have been removed from the reception area. 

• Each patient may purchase their OWN set of electrode pads for the IFC machine. OUR cost is $10 per set and they will be made available to you at cost. Otherwise, they will be disinfected between patients as per our standard treatment protocol.  

• The patient washroom will be available for use, but ONLY with permission from the staff. We need to monitor and disinfect before and after each use. Please do NOT use without our knowledge, for your own safety and the safety of others. 

• PLEASE come on time for your appointments or you may not be able to be seen and there will be a missed appointment charge.

• Appointments should be made by telephone/website only to minimize traffic near the front desk. 

• We ask you to attend your treatment alone if possible. Have family members wait for you outside/in the car, rather than in the reception area. If you require assistance please let us know and we will be happy to help.   Even though so much has changed, even more, has remained the same!  Our amazing team of practitioners is excited to help you feel your best and provide the same high level of care you have come to know and expect from Apex!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Survey! Tell us what level of contact you would like to receive from Apex

chiropractor Pickering

We would like your opinion about how we can best cater to your needs during this time. 

We are considering virtual appointments through video chat or telephone and would like to know if that is something you would be interested in. Virtual care would enable your practitioner to alleviate your concerns, give recommendations about a particular condition/symptom you may be experiencing, and educate the patient on self-treatment such as doable at-home exercises, stretching, or rehabilitation of a particular condition!  We could also offer dietary counseling and vitamin/mineral supplementation through our naturopathic doctor!

Please take our quick survey and leave any feedback/suggestions that would help us serve you better during this time by taking the survey below!


Exciting News for Chiropractic in Ontario

Chiropractor in Ajax
We’re Here For You. View this email in your browser
  Chiropractic Scope Expanding to Include Lab Tests and Diagnostic Ultrasound The OCA is very pleased to announce some exciting news for chiropractic in Ontario! The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) sent the OCA and the College of Chiropractors of Ontario a letter today stating it is moving forward with granting chiropractors the authority to order select lab tests and diagnostic ultrasound. By expanding chiropractors’ ability to practice closer to their full scope of practice including the use of these valuable diagnostic tools, the MOHLTC has recognized that chiropractors play a critical role in improving the care and health outcomes of Ontarians. This move is consistent with the support of integrating chiropractors into the health care system including removing the policy barrier to chiropractors practicing in primary care inter-professional teams, the Inter-professional Spine Assessment and Education Clinics, and Primary Care Low Back Pain pilots. It represents part of the government’s comprehensive approach to increasing access to care, reducing wait times, and improving patient experience. The OCA, the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC), and the College of Chiropractors of Ontario (CCO) have worked both collectively and individually on these goals for many years. We want to acknowledge the fine work of CCO in their role of regulating the profession in the public interest. CMCC has also been invaluable in identifying and providing the evidence-based rationale for specific lab tests and chiropractic educational training and competencies. This is also the result of the excellent care that individual chiropractors provide to their patients, and the role many chiropractors play in advancing the profession. This significant gain is the result of over eight years of intensive advocacy work. The OCA looks forward to working with the government on each of these scope enhancements. The announcement does not discuss the funding of these services. We are working closely with the Ministry to determine the exact details and we will share these with you as we move forward. Enacting these changes will require regulation and other changes and the authority is not yet in place. Learn More about Chiropractors’ Expanded Authority Hospital X-ray Access In 2004, an unintended consequence of delisting OHIP services was that chiropractors lost the ability to order X-rays in public hospitals. The government moved quickly and in 2005 amended the regulations under the Independent Health Facilities Act so chiropractors could order OHIP-funded X-rays through an independent health facility (IHF). Unfortunately, not all areas of the province have local IHFs. We are actively engaged in consultations with the Ministry on options for expanding access to chiropractic ordering of hospital X-rays in specified communities across Ontario.
  We’re here for you. Call us: 
Local: 416-860-0070 | Toll-free: 1-877-327-2273

Update your OCA membership preferences or unsubscribe from this list Our mailing address is:
Ontario Chiropractic Association 200-20 Victoria St Toronto, ON M5C 2N8 Canada